UUPLUS LLCLos Osos, California

(805) 534-1425
2131 10th St Ste C Los Osos, CA 93402-3250

Products & Services

e-mail, e-mail, e-mail everywhere, e-mail everywhere, e-mail over hf, e-mail over satellite, e-mail over cellular phone, e-mail over cell phone, codan, e-mail over codan, iridium, e-mail over iridium phone, hf radio, e-mail over hf radio, cell phone, e-mail cellphone, cellphone, satphone, e-mail sat phone, maf, missions aviation fellowship, international relief corp, red cross, peace corp, telnor, comsat, comsat mobil, french telecom, inmarsat, inmarsat, mini-m sat phone, mini-m, m4, inmarsat m4, thrane & thrane, stratosnet, apollo software, packet data, hf link, rf link, e-mail radio, e-mail over rf, hf radio, modem
uuplus provides fast, robust internet e-mail access over satellite, cellphone, hf and long distance terrestrial connections. uuplus reduces connected time by combining email messages into a single file and compressing prior to transfer. e-mail is then transferred over an aggressive but error tolerant protocol developed and optimized specifically for satellite, cellphone, and hf links.

NAICS Code(s)

Software Publishers

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