California Government Contractors > BROADLEY-JAMES CORPORATION


949-829-5555 x111
19 Thomas Irvine, CA 92618-2704

Products & Services

Broadley-James Corporation is a manufacturer of Measurement and Control products for science & industry.
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ph electrode electrodes dissolved oxygen sensor sensors process probe probes vessel vessels bio biotech biotechnology autoclavable steam sterilize sterilizable d.o. technology housing housings fitting fittings plug plugs instrumentation cable cables cabled assembly assemblies sample valve valves o-ring o-rings gasket gaskets electrolyte electrolytes accessories stainless steel rebuild service catalog bioprocess process fermentation cell culture cell-culture microbial supplies maintenance instrument instruments measurement tool tools broadley technologies corp. source t-pull model fermprobe oxyprobe dynaprobe port ports retainer nut nuts application applications cip/sip ag-agci thread threaded glass connector bnc braun side built-in free-spinning hardware solutions viscous media mm m glass bulb guard guarded rugged insertion length hp ground crimp ferrules coaxial transmitter transmitters benchtop controller controllers sanitary flange flanged liter bioreactor pumps fitting fittings amino acid acids install installed tank electropolish silicone 2-wire 4-wire equipment membrane cathode connector cartridge anode cathode assembly polarographic current rubber seal platinum galvanic ingold mettler-toledo, electrode, electrodes, dissolved, oxygen, sensor sensor sensors, sensors, process, broadley-james, broadley technologies, broadley, fermprobe, oxyprobe, probe, vessel, biotech, biotechnology, d.o., housings, cables, o-ring, electrolyte, fermentation, ports, retainer ring, braun, ferrules, crimp, transmitter, benchtop, flange, pumps, membrane, cathode, bionet, bioreactor, cell culture, applikon, sartorius, new brunswick, biobundle, control system, optical density, perfusion, pat process analytical technologies


  • Sensors
  • Transmitters
  • Measurement
  • Control Products

NAICS Code(s)

Other Measuring and Controlling Device Manufacturing

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